I got nominated for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award by the lovely Taraxacum so a big THANK YOU at this place.
And like every other award (At least like every other award I know of) this award has rules:
- You should thank the blogger that nominated you and link back their blog.
- Post the awards logo on your blog.
- Answer the 10 questions that you were asked
- and nominate 10 bloggers and ask them 10 questions.
Taraxacum asked
Do you enjoy reading out loud?
Depends on the Situation. I don't like to do it at school but I like it do do for my family, friends or children.
What fictional meal would you like to taste?
We just have Thalia here and my favorite Thalia is what is just 15 Minutes away from me.
I Nominate
Ines from The Call of Freedom&Love
Zoe from Zoes Dreambooks
May from Mays Reviews
Aileen from Die Welt ist wie ein Buch
joannah99 from Joannahs Buchblog
Rainbow from Walking about rainbows
Sally from Sally´s Bookheaven
Kati from Traumrealistin.
Sahra from Sahras Leseberg
Emelie from Sternchens Paige
My Questions
What is your favorite Book?
What was the most miserable book you ever read?
What was the first book you ever read?
Which book series do you like more? The series from Kerstin Gier about Gwendolyn & Gideon, or the series from Josephine Angelini about Helen and Lucas.
What do you think about movie versions of books?
Whos your favorite Writer?
Who is your favorite blogger?
With which book character can you identify the most?
Do you like audiobooks or like it more to read by yourself?
Do you read a few books at the same time or one after another?
Sorry, but I don't understand the question ^^
Series or standalones?
I like both, but if it's a series with 7 parts it's terrify me.
I like both, but if it's a series with 7 parts it's terrify me.
Who or what inspired you to create your blog?
The wonderful Traumrealistin inspire me. Her Blog was the first I ever see, and as I see it I wanted to try it too. And so my Blog was created.
The wonderful Traumrealistin inspire me. Her Blog was the first I ever see, and as I see it I wanted to try it too. And so my Blog was created.
What languages do you speak and do you read in all of those languages?
Of course I learned englisch at school and france too, but languages are not my strength. So, the other Question answered too ^^
Of course I learned englisch at school and france too, but languages are not my strength. So, the other Question answered too ^^
Does your family read as much as y
ou do?
My Familiy didn't read anthing, and so they don't understand my love to books.
ou do?
My Familiy didn't read anthing, and so they don't understand my love to books.
What is your favorite book of 2014?
It's a really hard question because this year I read a lot of good books. But I have to choose so I think my favorite book this year is "Herz aus Glas" from Kathrin Lange.
It's a really hard question because this year I read a lot of good books. But I have to choose so I think my favorite book this year is "Herz aus Glas" from Kathrin Lange.
Do you like Halloween?
Oh yes, I love Halloween! I love to dress up and the sweets! Honestly, who didn't like Halloween?
Oh yes, I love Halloween! I love to dress up and the sweets! Honestly, who didn't like Halloween?
Do you like reading horror stories?
No, I don't like to read it, but I like to see horror movies.
What is your favorite local bookshop?No, I don't like to read it, but I like to see horror movies.
We just have Thalia here and my favorite Thalia is what is just 15 Minutes away from me.
I Nominate
Ines from The Call of Freedom&Love
Zoe from Zoes Dreambooks
May from Mays Reviews
Aileen from Die Welt ist wie ein Buch
joannah99 from Joannahs Buchblog
Rainbow from Walking about rainbows
Sally from Sally´s Bookheaven
Kati from Traumrealistin.
Sahra from Sahras Leseberg
Emelie from Sternchens Paige
My Questions
What is your favorite Book?
What was the most miserable book you ever read?
What was the first book you ever read?
Which book series do you like more? The series from Kerstin Gier about Gwendolyn & Gideon, or the series from Josephine Angelini about Helen and Lucas.
What do you think about movie versions of books?
Whos your favorite Writer?
Who is your favorite blogger?
With which book character can you identify the most?
Do you like audiobooks or like it more to read by yourself?
Do you read a few books at the same time or one after another?
Hey, danke für's Taggen.
AntwortenLöschenIch werde gleich mal mitmachen!
Liebe Grüße :)
AntwortenLöschenIch wünsche dir ganz viel Spaß!
AntwortenLöschenIch möchte auch einmal danke sagen....
Trotzdem werde ich nicht mitmachen :(....SORRY.....! Aber mit Englischen Tags hab ichs nicht so.....
Tut mir echt leid,
deine Sarah ;)
Oh schade aber das ist echt gar nicht schlimm wenn ich ehrlich bin ist mein Englisch auch nicht so super ich hatte dabei hilfe von ner guten Bekannten.
LöschenVielleicht beim nächsten mal.
Vielen Dank für's taggen :-)
AntwortenLöschenHabe gleich mal mitgemacht und das war doch glatt der erste Post, den ich auf englisch verfasst hatte - es gibt für alles ein erstes Mal^^
Liebe Grüße :-)
Ja da hast du vollkommen Recht!
LöschenIch hoffe es hat dir Spaß gemacht ;D
Ich habe grade erst gesehen das du mich nominiert hast. :)
AntwortenLöschenDanke dafür ♥
Liebst Zoe :*
Immer wieder gerne!
LöschenIch hoffe du machst mit!
Vielen Dank, dass du die Fragen beantwortet hast! Uah, Horror Filme O.O
AntwortenLöschenIch muss mich eher bei dir fürs taggen bedanken!
LöschenEs hat echt Spaß gemacht!
Hey du,
AntwortenLöschendankeschön fürs taggen, aber ich mache nicht allzu gerne TAGs und dann müssen die schon irgendwie besonders sein oder ich muss wirklich Lust drauf haben, deshalb hoffe ich, dass du mir nicht böse bist <3
Alles Liebe,
Nein gar nicht!
LöschenDas ist halt nicht jedermanns Sache!
AntwortenLöschenSchade ich hätte gerne mitgemacht, aber jetzt hab ichs wohl verpasst. -_-
Auf jeden Fall das nächste Mal!